Friday, July 22, 2011

A Second Fringe for Finally Sauces

Finally Sauces produced it's first show in the summer of 2009. The show was From Something, written and directed by Kristen M. Finlay and featuring Anne Marie Szucs, Julie Sinclair and Joyce LaBriola. The show premiered at Interplay 2009 in Fort McMurray and won 2 awards - Best Direction (Kristen Finlay) and Best Actress (Julie Sinclair). The company was on the wait-list for the 2009 Edmonton International Fringe and a last minute cancellation opened up and allowed them to present the show. Fortunately, they had prepared for the Interplay Festival so that they would be ready should the call come. They played to appreciative audiences and fell in love with the experience of performing at the Fringe.

In the Fall of 2010, Finally Sauces applied for the Fringe in the lottery system and secured a spot. This time, they decided to produce Pieces. Pieces, by Finlay, was previously produced at Walterdale Theatre in 2007, directed by Marsha Amanova and featured Szucs. Finlay reworked the script significantly and took on the directing role for the 2011 Fringe production. Szucs is reprising her role of Diane and joining her are Francie Goodwin-Davies as Joan, Lindsey Walker as Young Joan, Justin Deveau as Ben and the doctor, and Janine Hodder as Young Diane, Sharon and Grace.

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